Senin, 18 Februari 2019

Strength, Weaknesses, and Dream: A Portofolio

My name is Figlia Sophia Azzahra. I was born in February 2, 2002, which means that currently I am 17 years old. I have 1 sibling, which is an older brother.

I consider myself to be a creative person, since I enjoy drawing, even though in the last few months I kinda stopped making finished artwork. I tend to procrasinate a lot when making art and I feel like that's why I am not really interested in a steady art career.
I'm also dilligent, at least on things that I like. For example, I really like writing notes on Biology outside from school. However, in terms of things that I don't like, I prefer to ignore them. Like Physics. It's a very hard subject to learn, so I don't study at all, even though there may be a test in the next day. This mentality is really bad, especially in the job industry, so I really want to remove this habit out of my mind.

If you ever met me in real life, you might realize that I am really quiet. Having social anxiety is really challenging. While public speaking, I often stutter a lot, tend to be shaky, and sweat a lot. It's not just limited to public speaking, in a social situation I am extremely awkward. I don't know what to talk or act when I interact with someone that isn't very close to me, even though I actually know them. I really want to "cure" my anxiety by preferably going to theraphy or psychiatrist. Maybe later.

I'd like to spend my free time by watching YouTube. Usually I watch cooking channel like Binging With Babish or any Gordon Ramsay's show. I think watching people cook is very relaxing. I also like to watch people reviewing stuff like movies and music. Anthony Fantano, TheRealJims, and RebelTaxi are some of my favorite review channels, so you should check them out. Other than YouTube, I really like drawing (as I told you before) and reading Sherlock Holmes. I am planning to read other mystery novels as well, such as works by Agatha Christie. Speaking of writers, I really like writing as well. However, I prefer to write reviews, essay, or real life events over fictional literature. I've written some reviews in this blog, while it's not perfect since my vocabulary is limited, you should check them out.

I participated in a social science quiz contest with 3 of my friends, but unfortunately we lost. My poem was featured in Bobo magazine back in 3rd grade, so there's that.

My dream is to study in FTI ITB in Chemical Engineering, since so far chemistry is my favorite subject even though it can be difficult. To achieve this, I must study dilligently. After that, I want to work in a food engineering industry. My biggest dream is to have a cat adoption center. I consider Indonesian people to be very picky about choosing a pet cat. They always want a selectively breeded cat like Persian cat and buy them on shady pet store in the street. I want to change that mentality. I want to spread awareness that a lot of domestic cats are just as loving and cute as breeded cat. I also really want to rescue stray cats from potentially harmful environment. It's always sadden me when I see stray cats dead on highway when it could've been loved by a loving owner. That's the reason why I want to open an adoption center for cats, at least when I retire from my career.

That's all that I can tell about me. I hope now you have a better insight at myself. Thank you for reading!

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